eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


All information corresponding to an individual parts compatibility by application.

Type that uses ItemCompatibilityType:

Calls that use ItemCompatibilityType:


CompatibilityNotes ( string ) [0..1]
The seller may optionally enter any notes pertaining to the parts compatibility being specified. Use this field to specify the placement of the part on a vehicle or the type of vehicle a part fits.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CompatibilityNotes.

Delete ( boolean ) [0..1]
Removes individual parts compatibility nodes from the compatibility list. Set to true within the compatibility to delete.

Note: This field can only be used with Revise calls or when revising a template. If the listing has bids or ends within 12 hours, you cannot delete item parts compatibilities.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Delete.

NameValueList ( NameValueListType ) [0..*]
A name-value pair describing a single compatible application. The allowed names and values are specific to the primary category in which the item is listed. For example, when listing in a Parts & Accessories category, where the applications are vehicles, the allowed names might include Year, Make, and Model, and the values would correspond to specific vehicles in eBay's catalog. For details and examples, see Specify parts compatibility manually.

The eBay Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, and Australia sites support the use of K type vehicle numbers to specify vehicle parts compatibility. To use a K type number, set the Name field to "KType" and set the corresponding Value field to the appropriate K type number.

The DE and UK eBay sites also support the use of an eBay Product ID (or ePID) number/value pair to specify motorcycle and scooter parts compatibility (currently, only DE supports scooter parts compatibily). To use an ePID number to specify part compatibilities, set the Name field to "ePID" and the corresponding Value field to the ePID number that matches the motorcycle for the part(s) you are listing. Motorcycle ePID numbers are provided by the Master Motorcycle List (MML) file, which contains the ePID numbers and their associated vehicle mappings). For motorcycles, an ePID number contains the vehicle make, model, CCM, year, and submodel data. Please use the following links to obtain the DE and UK MML data files:

- DE seller help page: http://verkaeuferportal.ebay.de/fahrzeugteile-und-zubehoer-optimal-einstellen
- UK seller help page: http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/sell/contextual/master-motorcycle-list-manually.html
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NameValueList.