eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GeographicExposureCodeType ( token )

This enumerated type is used to indicate if an eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and/or Motors Local Market listings.

Types that use GeographicExposureCodeType:

Call that uses one or more values of GeographicExposureCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
LocalOnly If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
LocalOptional If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
National If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.